6 Years Ago Ads ID: Z3-EPTHW9

Dukani Kwetu



Dukanikwetu Co. Limited, we are registered under the Companies Act, Cap 212, governs the registration of Companies in Tanzania. We deal in retail and wholesale supply of Electronics i.e Smart Phones, gadgets ,LED TVS , Music systems, Electronic Appliances, Fitness and Exercise Equipment..etc

We offer Large Scale distribution , installation and maintenance of Electronics to companies following all legal procedures.Contact us via email dukanikwetu@gmail.com for a quotation or pro-forma invoice.

Take a look through our big database of products with friendly, affordable and constantly updated prices.
We also offer fast and safe delivery services to our clients/customers.

Working hours

Working hours not spacified

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This website and the information, products, services, content, and materials on this website are provided on an “as is,” “where is,” and “where available” basis. Ex... More
Dukani Kwetu
Member since 07 Apr, 2018
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